What does WYLL mean on Snapchat

WYLL mean on Snapchat

WYLL Stands For “What You Look Like”

  • W: What
  • Y: You
  • L: Look
  • L: Like

WWYL is a popular term used on Snapchat and other social platforms. It’s usually used when someone wants to see a picture of the person they’re chatting with. If someone sends you “WYLL,” he is most likely asking you to send them a snap or a photo of yourself.

WYLL mean on Snapchat

If you make a new friend on Snapchat and want to see their picture but aren’t quite sure how to ask, there’s an easy and popular way to do it by using the term “WYLL.” This simple slang stands for “What You Look Like” and is a casual, friendly way to ask someone to share a photo without feeling awkward. In this article, we’ll explore what WYLL means, how to use it in conversation, and tips on responding to it on Snapchat.

How to Use WYLL

When you want to ask someone for their photo in a friendly way, “WYLL” is the perfect slang. You should use “WYLL” after a friendly chat and feeling comfortable with the other person. “WYLL”, which is a one-to-one conversation on social media, such as Snapchat or Instagram, works great. Be sure to ask the other person if they are okay with using it and do not use it too soon in the conversation. 

When asking for a picture, always be polite and respectful.

How to respond “WYLL”

When someone asks you “WYLL” on Snapchat, there are a few ways you can respond, depending on how comfortable you feel:

  • Send a Photo: If you’re okay with sharing a picture, you can take a snap or send a selfie. This is the most straightforward way to respond.
  • Example: Sure
  • Decline: If you’re uncomfortable sharing a photo, saying no is perfectly fine. Be polite.
  • Example: I am not comfortable sharing a pic right now.
  • Change the Topic: If you do not want to say no directly then you can change the topic. You can ask them something else or reply maybe later.
  • Example: Maybe later!
  • Ask Why: If you’re not sure why they want a photo, it’s okay to ask for clarity.
  • Example: Why do you want to know?


In short, “WYLL” is a casual and friendly way to ask someone for a picture on Snapchat or other social apps. Just remember to use it at the right time and always respect the other person’s comfort level when asking for a photo.

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