What Does LMS Stand For?

LMS meaninig on Snapchat

LMS Stands For “Like my status”

  • L Stands For: Like
  • M Stands For: My
  • S Stands For: Status

LMS stands for “Like My Status.” It’s a popular acronym used on social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook. When someone says LMS, they’re asking their followers or friends to like or engage with their post. It’s a simple way to encourage interaction and boost visibility.

LMS meaninig on Snapchat

How to use LMS on Snapchat

So, how do you actually use LMS on Snapchat? It’s pretty easy. You can add “LMS” to your Stories, captions, or Spotlights when you want more engagement. Here are some common ways people use it:

  • LMS for a Shoutout: Like my story, and I’ll give you a shoutout!
  • LMS for a DM: Hit the like, and I’ll slide into your DMs.
  • LMS for a Compliment: Show some love, and I’ll compliment you.

For example, you could post something like “LMS if you want a TBH!” (To Be Honest). If someone interacts, you’ll send them a genuine opinion about them.

How to Respond to LMS on Snapchat?

You see an LMS post and want to join in, here’s what you can do:

  • Send a Reaction: Snapchat doesn’t have a “like” button like Facebook, but you can react with emojis or Bitmojis.
  • Reply to Their Story: Just a quick “LMS done!” lets them know you’re in.
  • Take a Screenshot: If it makes sense, a screenshot can also count as engagement.

LMS Variations on Snapchat

Sometimes you can see LMS used with other phrases like:

  • LMS for a Rate: If someone has used this acronym, it means that he will rate you on a scale (like 1-10) if you like his story or post.
  • LMS for a DM: They’ll send you a direct message if you like their status.
  • LMS for a TBH: The person will send you a “To Be Honest” message, where he will share his real opinion about you.

Other Snapchat Slangs

There are other Snapchat slangs that you should know:


LMS helps you get more interactions on your posts.

Yes, using LMS can attract attention to your posts.


In short, LMS helps you to ask your friends to like or react to your content, and in return, they might get a message, compliment, or rating. In this post, we covered the meaning of LMS, how to use it on Snapchat, different variations, and how to respond to it. Get more likes with LMS on Snapchat!

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